Status of Tobacco Use and Its Influence Factors among Employees in Service Occupations in Shenyang City 沈阳市服务行业人员吸烟现状及相关因素分析
Two-thirds of people in "customer service occupations", which include call centre workers, think their qualifications are more elevated than their job requires. “客服职业”中有三分之二的人(包括呼叫中心工人)认为,自己的资质超过了工作所需的程度。
Conclusion: The potential market of condom is large among migrants, so multiple ways of service providing should be implemented to meet various needs of groups in different age, marital status, and with different occupations. 结论:流动男青年中存在避孕套使用的潜在市场,应以多种方式并从不同渠道提供与他们相适宜的服务,以满足不同年龄、婚姻状况和就业人群的各种需求。
With the main characteristics of physical training and entertainment, and based on the service for different groups of various ages, occupations and hobbies, the community sports is an important service industry of great growth potential. 社区体育以其适合不同年龄、不同职业和不同兴趣爱好人群的服务为中心,以健身、娱乐消费为特点,是第三产业中极具发展潜力的以服务性经济为主的行业。
As their different activities, social pluralism and service occupations reveal their different social class levels and the social reality. 通过她们从事活动范围的不同、社会职业的多元化与服役情况,进一步揭示她们的阶级层次和真实的社会生活。
Vide-sharing Website service providers bear the duty of care of "good administrator", that is, the perpetrator should meet the objectivity requirements of related industries or occupations or professional qualifications for their actions. 视频分享网站服务提供者承担善良管理人的注意义务,行为人应当具有其所属行业或职业、专业资格等对其行为的客观性要求。